legal notice

- contact:
- legal and content-related responsibility:
- Supervisory body:
- Professional liability insurance:
- dispute resolution:
- Data protection statement:
- IP-addresses and other technical information
- your rigths regarding information and deletion
- transmission of personal data
- copyright conditions:
German law requires to give the following information (Impressum):
Thomas Meier-Bading
Rechtsanwalt (solicitor)
Mommsenstraße 58
10629 Berlin
Tel: +49 (30) 340 60 478
Fax: +49 (30) 956 11 927
for ecrypted emails klick here.
legal and content-related responsibility:
Thomas Meier-Bading
VAT identification: DE188906366
Supervisory body:
Thomas Meier-Bading is a Rechtsanwalt. He is admitted to practise at the German bar by the president of the district court Berlin and is member of the Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin.
The following professional codes apply: BRAO, BORA, FAO, RVG, CCBE. All texts can be found on the Website of the Federal Bar Association under here.
§ 43a Abs. 4 BRAO prohibits the exercise of conflicting interests. Before accepting a mandate, a conflict of interests is always examined using electronical collision examination of the legal software.
Professional liability insurance:
R+V Versicherung AG
Raiffeisenplatz 1
65189 Wiesbaden
Territorial validity: European Union.
dispute resolution:
The relevant dispute resolution bodies with power to hear consumer disputes for claims involving an economic interest arising out of the lawyer-client relationship are the Rechtsanwaltskammer Berlin (§ 73 Abs.2 Nr.3, § 73 Abs.5 BRAO), the Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft (§ 191 f. BRAO) at the Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer
Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft
Rauchstraße 26
10787 Berlin Telefon +49(0)30 2844417-0
Fax +49(0)30 2844417-12
Online dispute resolution platform:]( My Email-address:
Data protection statement:
IP-addresses and other technical information
Visitors' IP addresses, date, time and the website visited will be protocollated automatically by the server (server-logs). They will not be made public nor used for tracking ligimate users.
your rigths regarding information and deletion
At any time you may have your personal data deleted and/or get information on them. Just send me an e-mail to or a letter to the address provided above.
transmission of personal data
Your personal data will not be transmitted to others.
copyright conditions:
Pictures provided by Thomas Meier-Bading are protected by the Creative Commons License by-nc-nd . They may be used only unchanged, only for private use and only when naming the author.